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Posted on 29th Oct 2017

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The Model View Presenter (MVP) architecture pattern improve the application architecture to increase testability. The MVP pattern separates the data model, from a view through a presenter.

The following demonstrates an example data flow throw the MVP.


1. The View

A view component in MVP contains a visual part of the application.

The view, usually implemented by an Activity (it may be a Fragment, a View… depending on how the app is structured), will contain a reference to the presenter. Presenter will be ideally provided by a dependency injector such as Dagger, but in case you don’t use something like this, it will be responsible for creating the presenter object. The only thing that the view will do is calling a method from the presenter every time there is an interface action (a button click for example).

It contains only the UI and it does not contain any logic or knowledge of the data displayed. In typical implementations the view components in MVP exports an interface that is used by the Presenter. The presenter uses these interface methods to manipulate the view. Example method names would be: showProgressBarupdateData


2. The Presenter

The presenter triggers the business logic and tells the view when to update. It therefore interacts with the model and fetches and transforms data from the model to update the view. The presenter should not have, if possible, a dependency to the Android SDK.

The presenter is responsible to act as the middle man between view and model. It retrieves data from the model and returns it formatted to the view. But unlike the typical MVC, it also decides what happens when you interact with the view.

3. The Model

In an application with a good layered architecture, this model would only be the gateway to the domain layer or business logic. If we were using the Uncle Bob clean architecture , the model would probably be an interactor that implements a use case. But this is another topic that I’d like to discuss in future articles. For now, it is enough to see it as the provider of the data we want to display in the view.

Contains a data provider and the code to fetch and update the data. This part of MVP updates the database or communicate with a webserver.

Consideration for chosing MVP design pattern:

MVP makes it easier to test your presenter logic and to replace dependencies. But using MVP also comes with a costs, it makes your application code longer. Also as the standard Android templates at the moment do not use this approach, not every Android developer will find this code structure easy to understand.

In the Model View Presenter pattern, the views more separated from the model. The presenter communicates between model and view. This makes it easier to create unit tests Generally there is a one to one mapping between view and Presenter, but it is also possible to use multiple presenters for complex views.

In the Model View Controller pattern the controllers are behavior based and can share multiple views. View can communicate directly with the model.

MVP is currently on of the patterns that the Android community prefers.


Separating interface from logic in Android is not easy, but the Model-View-Presenter pattern makes a little easier to prevent our activities end up degrading into very coupled classes consisting on hundreds or even thousands of lines. In large applications it is essential to organize our code well. If not, it becomes impossible to maintain and extend.

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